The Fear of The Lord

When  you  hear the word fear, what  comes to  mind ?

In  our  world today fear can  be associated with  many negative things .For example someone can be afraid of spiders,heights or even other humans .

The fear of the Lord cannot not  put in the  same class as  I mentioned earlier .When we talking about  fearing God we  talking about being in  awe  of the existence of God . In Hebrew  which is the original  language  of the Bible the  word  fear  (Yirah ) means reverence.

Proverbs 1:7 teaches that the Fear of the Lord  is the beginning of Wisdom .This is so true because  when one has the fear  of the Lord , he turns away from sin.

If you  look at the world which  we live in today ,you can see a lot of  violence and evil  taking place, all this  happens because the world has lost the fear of God.(Romans 3:10-18)

The solution to this is simple.Imagine a world where everyone had  reverence of God ,oh what a wonderful place it would  be. I believe that’s the  world that  God saw  which  made him send his only Son Jesus  the  Christ to come  die  for our sins ( John 3:16 ) .

We all need Jesus in our  lives, heis the only  one who can teach us how to properly fear God because he lived  his whole  life in total reverence of God.Isaiah 11:3  says that His delight is in the Fear of the Lord .

In the book of Acts 10:35 Peter  says that whoever has the  fear of God  and works righteousness is accepted by God.This is  true because  having the fear of God makes you holy and  our God is a holy  God  and will not tolerate  any  unholiness .

Heavenly Father ,fill us with your fear,that we may  be accepted by  you .Help us to keep looking up to your son Jesus who is the author and master of our  faith, to want to be more like him each day.Fill us with your Holy spirit  to teach us how can become vessels for your glory.In Jesus name I pray. Amen



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